Quotes From "The Limpet Syndrome" By Tony Moyle

There are many things in science that were developed because...
There are many things in science that were developed because it was possible rather than desirable. Humanity's curiosity will almost certainly be its downfall. Tony Moyle
Real power isn't the ability to harm or meddle, Real power is overcoming your frailty when every sinew of your mind tells you it's impossible. Real power is facing up to your problems when you want to hid from them. Real power is picking yourself up from a fall and redoubling your efforts. Real power is the strength to choose what is right. Tony Moyle
Emotion is not what makes us weak. It's what makes us human, The ability to care, even if people often do not. Tony Moyle
Before you deal out your moral judgement on me, perhaps you should ask yourself what you did. Tony Moyle